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Ethernet and Power Cable (2 x 22 AWG, 4 x UTP 26 AWG)



This cable has separate wires for Ethernet and power transmission, making it a useful cable for many different types of underwater connections! Ethernet is unshielded 26 AWG twisted pairs and the power is thicker 22 AWG to handle high current applications. The tough polyurethane jacket makes it suitable for use underwater and with our WetLink Penetrator. Sold by the meter (3.3 ft) and cut to length when you order. SKU: BR-100897 HS Code: 8544.11.0050 Contents Ethernet and Power Cable (2 conductor 22 AWG, 4 UTP 26 AWG) [Variable Length] 【販売部コメント】 ※本商品はは1m単位の販売・価格となっております。  ご希望の長さ分を数量で選択の上、ご注文下さいませ。  ご注文の長さを切らずに納品させていただきます。
