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ROV Locator Bundle Mark III, 300 meter depth - with serial-to-USB conversion cable



The Mark III ROV Locator takes the ease of use of a cost-effective underwater positioning solution to a new level. Using the interrogate/response model of a traditional USBL system, it dispenses with both distance sync at the start of the mission and period crystal calibration procedures. With the supplied topside CeruleanTracker software, you can get up and running in no time or use the open API to integrate the Mk III with your own software. The MK III has a 300-meter depth rating, and with no timebase drift, the system can remain submerged indefinitely without losing slant range accuracy. HS Code: 9015.80 内容物など詳細については下記URLをご参照ください。 https://ceruleansonar.com/products/rov-locator-mark-iii
