Polyurethane-jacketed 1-meter cable with Cobalt Series plug and locking sleeve on one end and M6 or M10 Simple Penetrator on the other end. For use with Cobalt Series Bulkhead Connector (sold separately). Rated to 600 m depth.
- 【R1版】Cobalt Series Cable with Simple Penetrator, M10 , Custom (0.6m-2.0m)(6-Pin Hybrid)【最新版】
- ¥20,317
- Underwater Servo SER-20XX
- ¥53,427 〜 ¥123,024
- WetLinkペネトレーター WLP-M10-8.5MM 1-Pack
- ¥2,059 〜 ¥2,079
- Cobalt Series Cable with Simple Penetrator, M10 , 1m(3-Pin Power)
- ¥11,737
- 【切り売り品】テザーケーブル(BlueROV2対応)− Fathom ROV Tether (by the meter) - ツイストペア 4【1 m単位】
- ¥1,210
- Fathom Spool Spare Components - Slip Ring Only
- ¥6,083