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GPS Module



The Cerulean GPS is rated to 300 meter depth and is designed to have a low non-snag profile and to ward off accidental blows. Our module is built around a MTK3339 chipset able to track up to 22 satellites on 66 channels. It has an outstanding high-sensitivity receiver (-165 dB tracking), and a built-in antenna. The unit is able to perform 10 location updates a second for high speed, high sensitivity logging, or tracking. Power usage is astonishingly low, only 20mA during navigation. SKU: DVL-GPS HS Code: 85269300 Contents ・1x GPS Module with one meter cable (1 shield + 2 signal wires) ・2x M4x0.7 14mm stainless ・1x Postcard with Link and QR code to on-line documentation 【Learn more about the ROV Locator】 ・MTK3329/MTK3339 command set sheet https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/PMTK_A11.pdf ・LOCUS (built-in-datalogging system) user guide https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/GTop%20LOCUS%20Library%20User%20Manual-v13.pdf ・Mini GPS tool (windows only) https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/MiniGPS_Tool_1.7.1.zip ・MT3339 GPS PC Tool (windows only) http://www.adafruit.com/datasheets/GlobalTop%20MT3339%20PC%20Tool%20v1.3%20without%20F2.0&I3.1.rar ・MT3339 PC Tool manual http://www.adafruit.com/datasheets/GlobalTop%20MT3339%20PC%20Tool%20Operation%20Manual%20v1.1.pdf ・Adafruit GPS Library for Arduino https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_GPS
