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Water Linked社製 Modem M16 - OEM (UART)



水中ドローン社公式ストアにお越しくださり、誠にありがとうございます。 <<産業用水中ドローンの国内トッププロバイダー>> “夢と感動の水中テクノロジー企業”水中ドローン社 <<米Blue Robotics社・ノルウェーWater Linked社の日本における正規の販売店なのでご購入後も安心>> ※15時までのご注文確定で当日発送(日曜・祝日を除く)いたします。ご注文急増時は翌日以降の発送となる場合がございます。お急ぎの場合は電話・メールでお問い合わせください。 The Water Linked M16 modem is a miniature 16 bits per package underwater acoustic modem which has been designed for use in the most challenging of environments, where a reliable connection is of utmost importance. The standard version comes with a 0.3 meter cable and no connector. SKU: WL-21048-1-O <Product Description> Utilising the latest technology, Water Linked has produced the Modem-M16 which provides a robust half-duplex communication link with an acoustic range of 1,000m. The size and limited power requirements make the M16 modem ideal for use with subsea vehicles or battery-powered underwater instrumentation. - Low power requirement for battery powered installations With a boot-up time of less than 10 milliseconds, the M16 modem can be set to sleep when not required and quickly boot-up to transmit or receive data. Where it’s not possible to set the modem into the sleep mode each modem draws less than 0.3 watts in listen mode and less than 2 watt seconds when transmitting data. With 12 channels to choose from, operating around a 58.5 kHz centre frequency, multiple modems can be operated at the same time in the same area without interference. Maintaining a small physical size and being lightweight was critical when designing the M16 modem for optional OEM integration, allowing the M16 modem to be tightly integrated with little impact on the design of the overall system. - Key features Robust bi-directional communication 1,000m acoustic range Low power requirement Rapid boot-up time 600m depth rated Serial UART connectivity Extremely small size enabling easy mounting and integration その他下記リンクの製品紹介ページにてご確認ください。 https://waterlinked.com/modem-m16
