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BlueBoat ヒューズ スペア − BlueBoat Fuse Spares



水中ドローン社公式ストアにお越しくださり、誠にありがとうございます。 <<産業用水中ドローンの国内トッププロバイダー>> “夢と感動の水中テクノロジー企業”水中ドローン社 <<米Blue Robotics社の日本における正規の販売店なのでご購入後も安心>> ※15時までのご注文確定で当日発送(日曜・祝日を除く)いたします。ご注文急増時は翌日以降の発送となる場合がございます。お急ぎの場合は電話・メールでお問い合わせください。 These are spares parts for the BlueBoat that may be needed for maintenance over time, like fuses, O-rings, and battery velcro, as well as spare parts for expansion, like extra frame bushings. SKU: BR-101673 HS Code: 8536.10.0040 <Product Description> Here you can find a few spare parts for the BlueBoat that can be used for maintenance, repair, or upgrade! If you’re looking for replacement components for your boat, visit the BlueBoat Components page. The fuses, O-rings, and battery velcro can be used to refresh an older boat or when you get new batteries for your existing boat. The frame bushings can be used when installing new equipment to the crossbars. <Contents> ・1 x 150A MIDI fuse ・2 x 50A MIDI fuse ・5 x 10A MINI fuse ・5 x 5A MINI fuse ・5 x 2A MINI fuse - Revision History 6 February 2024 ・ BR-101673 - Initial release <Guides> BlueBoat Assembly Guide → https://bluerobotics.com/learn/blueboat-assembly/ BlueBoat Software Setup → https://bluerobotics.com/learn/blueboat-software-setup/ BlueBoat Operator’s Guide → https://bluerobotics.com/learn/blueboat-operators-guide/
