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Cobalt Series Coaxial Cables and Connectors, Cable with M6 Simple Penetrator



水中ドローン社公式ストアにお越しくださり、誠にありがとうございます。 <<産業用水中ドローンの国内トッププロバイダー>> “夢と感動の水中テクノロジー企業”水中ドローン社 <<米Blue Robotics社の日本における正規の販売店なのでご購入後も安心>> ※15時までのご注文確定で当日発送(日曜・祝日を除く)いたします。ご注文急増時は翌日以降の発送となる場合がございます。お急ぎの場合は電話・メールでお問い合わせください。 <Product Description> Cobalt cables and connectors with MCX 50-ohm coaxial connections. Cobalt Series coaxial underwater connectors and cables from Blue Trail Engineering combine the proven reliability and compact size of the Cobalt connector series with the high-bandwidth performance only possible with coaxial connections, all at a fraction of the cost of other coaxial subsea connectors. With 316 stainless steel shells and PEEK inserts, they withstand long-term use in seawater at depths up to 600 meters. Please note that these coaxial connectors are NOT pressure tolerant when open-face (unmated). They must have either a fully intact mating connector/cable or a dummy plug or dummy cap installed to be fully waterproof. Cables available in lengths from 0.1 to 2.0 meters. <Contents> ・Cobalt Series Coaxial Cables and Connectors(Cable with M6 Simple Penetrator)× 1 SKU: COB-14CC-SS <Downloads> ◎Cobalt Series Coaxial Datasheet→ https://e4c7c5dc-3be9-4c5a-b172-8072b57438af.usrfiles.com/ugd/e4c7c5_86f344247eb441278844208163a53484.pdf ◎Quick Guide to Cobalt Connectors → https://www.bluetrailengineering.com/post/a-quick-guide-to-cobalt-connectors-with-lots-of-pictures ◎Need CAD files? Please see the Resources page. → https://www.bluetrailengineering.com/resources
